Bug Library
Do you need pest control services in Arizona?
We are here to serve you. Our Sexton Pest Control services know how to control the bugs! Each of our exterminators in Phoenix is highly trained and knowledgeable about the pests that reside in the deserts of Arizona.
We are so committed to providing you with the best possible pest control services in Phoenix that we keep an entomologist on our staff. This enables us to diagnose and treat ANY pest problem you face and offer the high quality pest services you deserve.
To help you understand some of the pests that you may encounter here in Arizona, we have put together a guide of the most common pests. Click on the links below to learn more.
Arizona Ants
Types of Ants in Arizona There are a lot of ant species in Arizona: carpenter ants, fire ants, crazy ants, pavement ants, Forelius ants. They’re all attracted to various types of food based on ant species and age of the colony. First, let’s talk about the ants you...
Arizona Bark Scorpions
Dealing with Scorpions Scorpion control Phoenix is essential. If you live in Arizona, then chances are you’ve had an encounter of have heard of encounters with the bark scorpion. They sting thousands of people annually and are considered one of the most serious...
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can live (and thrive) anywhere humans live. From the fanciest hotels, to small apartments, to your home. Bed Bugs are extremely difficult to control. To completely get rid of bed bugs, you need a complete understanding of how to identify, treat, and...
Bee Removal in Arizona
Bee Removal Experts in Phoenix, AZ Since the 1960s, the best Phoenix bee removal company has been Sexton Pest Control. We have been offering services for removing things such as honey bees, persistent bed bugs, rats and mice, and even scorpions. Our personnel are...
Black How to Get Rid of Black Widow Spiders
Eliminating Black Widows at Your Area Unmistakable in appearance, with an oversized jet-black abdomen and a bright red hourglass on its underside, the black widow is as beautiful as it is creepy. This is a species of spider native to the desert and is considered...
Cockroach Pest Control in Phoenix, Arizona
Outdoor Cockroaches/Sewer and Oriental Cockroaches When waking up in the morning, the last thing you want to see as you make a cup of coffee is a two inch long flying cockroach. This unfortunately, is a common occurrence across the U.S. These cockroaches, the...
Since 1960, we’ve provided homes and business throughout the ‘Valley of the Sun’ with the highest quality pest control service solutions.
Call us at (602) 942-3653 for more info on how we can get rid of any pest problem with our comprehensive pest control programs, or for answers to any pest control question you may have.