by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Rodent Control Services Sexton Pest Control is the best rodent control Phoenix Company available. Whether it is the highly successful house mouse, the fearsome bark scorpion, or the super-persistent bed bug, Sexton has the tools to handle it. Sexton has been cleaning...
by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Certified Technicians for Eliminating House Cricket A constant source of annoyance for just about every homeowner in the Southwest, the house cricket is a prolific and loud companion. It prefers temperatures above 80 degrees and below 95, and can go from egg to adult...
by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Types of Ants in Arizona There are a lot of ant species in Arizona: carpenter ants, fire ants, crazy ants, pavement ants, Forelius ants. They’re all attracted to various types of food based on ant species and age of the colony. First, let’s talk about the ants you...
by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Bee Removal Experts in Phoenix, AZ Since the 1960s, the best Phoenix bee removal company has been Sexton Pest Control. We have been offering services for removing things such as honey bees, persistent bed bugs, rats and mice, and even scorpions. Our personnel are all...
by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Eliminating Black Widows at Your Area Unmistakable in appearance, with an oversized jet-black abdomen and a bright red hourglass on its underside, the black widow is as beautiful as it is creepy. This is a species of spider native to the desert and is considered...
by Casey Landreth | Mar 10, 2023 | Bug Library
Bed bugs can live (and thrive) anywhere humans live. From the fanciest hotels, to small apartments, to your home. Bed Bugs are extremely difficult to control. To completely get rid of bed bugs, you need a complete understanding of how to identify, treat, and prevent...